To register a new Sologz account.
Note: Once you have created a Sologz Account, you cannot change your payment account or email address. In case you need to change your email or payment account, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Click on the Register button in the top right-hand corner of page and the Registration page will open.
Complete the registration form by entering all the required fields. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).
The email address you enter on this form must be a valid address that is owned by you.
Account Settings
To view and change your account settings, sign in to Sologz and then click on your name
in the top right-hand corner of dashboard any page and choose account settings information
There are two settings pages for viewing and changing your Sologz account details:
The Personal Information page is the default Settings page. This page allows you to view and update your account details such as your display name ,
email passcode and Payment Provider account ( must fill your Payment Account number* )
It is not possible to change your Payment Provider Account and email address. If you need to change your email address,
please do not create a new account but contact us.
The Change Password page allows you to change your Sologz account password. To change your password, enter your current password and the new password .
The Security Setting page is a view of the various account setting are helps you keep your account secure.